Great Green Macaw photo by Martin Mecnarowski

Planned Giving: Leave a Conservation Legacy

Create A Conservation Legacy

You can create a lasting conservation legacy and possibly save on taxes for you and your loved ones by including Rainforest Trust in your estate plans. Through planned and asset-based giving opportunities, you can balance your financial goals and charitable interests. To learn more or to discuss ways to leave your conservation legacy, email us at

“I believe we all have an incredible opportunity to make a difference. There’s no way to recreate a species once it is gone. Instead, we can protect rich and diverse ecosystems, incredibly beautiful birds, mammls, plants, frogs and even coral reefs for our children and grandchildren.”

For anyone who derives pleasure out of nature, Rainforest Trust Board Member, John Mitchell, encourages them to donate and consider leaving a bequest to Rainforest Trust from their estate. “Be as generous as possible—think of the species, the habitats, the difference you can make in mitigating climate change.” He emphasizes that even a small gift can be the difference between a species going extinct or not. “We are all interconnected in ways we don’t fully understand.”


Ways to Give and Save on Taxes

There are many ways to use your assets to support Rainforest Trust and save on taxes. Please consult your financial advisor or fund manager to discuss your unique opportunities, or contact us for more information.

Amazon sunset in Ucayali, Peru, by Christian Inga

I own stock

You may be able to avoid capital gains tax by donating appreciated stock that has been held for more than one year.

Macaws fly over the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, by Ricardo Stuckert

I have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

DAFs can allow you to move money to maximize tax deductions this year while making donations to charities over multiple years.

Gunung Api-Mulu National Park-Sarawak, Borneo, by Chien Lee

I have an IRA and I'm 70.5 or older

You can meet your required minimum distribution and save on taxes by giving directly to a charity (up to $100,000).


Charitable Lead Trust

Charitable Remainder Trust

Retirement Plan

Life Insurance
