You can protect rainforests, endangered species and the climate every month!
Become a Rainforest Trust UK Conservation Hero by setting up a regular monthly donation and save acres of rainforest every month!
Your monthly donations will be directed to our Rainforest Climate Action Fund, which protects our planet’s most valuable old-growth rainforests and other carbon-rich habitats. Saving tropical forests is an extraordinarily cost-effective way to fight climate change.
Of course, protecting vast areas of carbon-rich rainforest doesn’t just help fight climate change. Rainforest Trust’s protected areas also provide safe havens for numerous threatened species, such as Sumatran Tigers, Bornean Orangutans, African Forest Elephants and nearly 2,300 other critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable species.
Rainforest Trust UK also guarantees that 100% of every donation (excluding transaction costs) will go directly towards the conservation projects themselves, as we cover all our fundraising and administration costs through donations from our board of Trustees and Gift Aid.
Please become a Conservation Hero today—and help save the planet every month!

Saving Rainforest. Halting Climate Change.
Stopping Deforestation at the Edge of the Bolivian Amazon
Last stand against deforestation in the Peruvian Andes
Save Grauer’s Gorilla and lock up 28.6 million tons of carbon
Safeguard the “grandfather of the rivers” watershed in Colombia
“Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and climate change requires expanded protected and conserved areas, especially in tropical forests—this has been Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years.”
James C. Deutsch, Ph.D.CEO of Rainforest Trust
“Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and climate change requires expanded protected and conserved areas, especially in tropical forests—this has been Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years.”
James C. Deutsch, Ph.D.CEO of Rainforest Trust
“Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and climate change requires expanded protected and conserved areas, especially in tropical forests—this has been Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years.”
James C. Deutsch, Ph.D.CEO of Rainforest Trust
“Halting and reversing biodiversity loss and climate change requires expanded protected and conserved areas, especially in tropical forests—this has been Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years.”
James C. Deutsch, Ph.D.CEO of Rainforest Trust
100% of your money goes to save habitat and protect threatened species.
Our Board of Trustees and Gift Aid cover our operating costs, so you can give knowing your whole gift will protect rainforests.

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