Hug 100 Trees To Save The Rainforests!
Hug 100 Trees To Save The Rainforests!
Trees are essential for all life on our planet. Rainforests provide habitat for over 50% of all the species on Earth, and safely store hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Put simply, we couldn’t survive without trees – so why not show them some love and Hug 100 Trees for the rainforests!
Hug 100 Trees is a fun, family-friendly way to connect with nature near your home – and support rainforest protection at the same time. It’s also a great way for kids of all ages to get close to nature and play their part in protecting our planet! You can hug any trees you like – in your local park, a nearby woodland, a beautiful forest, your garden, even in the street! You can hug all your 100 trees on the same day, or spread your tree-hugging over days or weeks. The only rule is that you must hug 100 different trees! To see some of our tree-huggers in action, scroll down and click on the video.
There are three ways you can take part ... and claim your free Hug 100 Trees T-shirt!
Click on the orange button below to make a donation – then you (or your child) can start hugging trees! Donate £30 or more and we’ll send you a free Hug 100 Trees T-shirt, which you (or your child) can wear while tree-hugging for the planet. Don’t forget to tell us what size T-shirt you’d like in the Additional Comments box at the end of the donation form.
Donate to Hug 100 Trees Today!Donate to Hug 100 Trees Today!Why not ask your friends and family to sponsor your (or your child’s) tree-hugging exploits? Simply click on the orange button below to set up your personal JustGiving fundraising page, and we’ll send you a free Hug 100 Trees T-shirt and Trees Wallchart. Don’t forget to share your JustGiving page on social media to encourage your friends and family to donate!
Set up Your Justgiving Page!Set up Your Justgiving Page!You can also do it the old-fashioned way, by printing out a sponsorship form and asking your friends and family to give cash donations! Click on the orange button below to download your Sponsorship Form – and email UK@rainforesttrust.org with your name, address and T-shirt size, and we’ll pop your free Hug 100 Trees T-shirt in the post to you.
Keep Track Of Your Hugs With Our Trees Wallchart!
To help you keep track of how many trees your child has hugged, why not download our colourful Hug 100 Trees Wallchart? Put it up on the wall, and then you can tick off every tree hugged that day until you reach a hundred!

Michaela Strachan Supports Hug 100 Trees
Springwatch presenter Michaela Strachan is asking people across the UK to help save the rainforests and fight climate change by hugging 100 trees for Rainforest Trust UK. “The natural environment has been such a huge source of comfort and brought so many of us peace and calm in our recent uncertain and chaotic lives,” says Michaela. “It’s time for us to give back, and what a great way to give back – raising money while giving hugs! So let’s get tree hugging for the planet!”
The Rainforest Climate Action Fund
All donations from our Hug 100 Trees campaign will be directed to our Rainforest Climate Action Fund, which protects our planet’s most threatened old-growth rainforests and other carbon-rich habitats. Raising money for this fund may be the most efficient way individuals can help fight climate change, and together we aim to permanently lock in 15 billion tonnes of carbon by 2025.

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100% of your money goes to save habitat and protect threatened species.
Our Board of Trustees and Gift Aid cover our operating costs, so you can give knowing your whole gift will protect rainforests.